Selasa, 16 September 2008

Keeping a Goldfish Pond

Goldfish are hardy fish and are very inexpensive to buy. For this reason, they make good pond fish.
Goldfish were first domesticated in China. They are the domesticated type of dark-gray/brown carp that are native to East Asia. They can reach a length of 23" and can weigh as much as nine pounds. However, most don't reach that size. The majority of goldfish live six to eight years. They are a colorful fish.
The most common types of goldfish are London & Bristol shubunkins, jikin, wakin, comet and fantail. These will do well in a goldfish pond because they are pretty hardy. Moor, veiltail, oranda and lionheads are more of a Summer fish only.
The size of your goldfish pond can be small or large. The most important thing to remember is that the depth should be at least 80cm to keep it from freezing. Goldfish will thrive in a pond that freezes occasionally, as long as there is enough oxygen and it doesn't freeze over.
In the winter, your goldfish will slow down and not eat. This is normal. They may also stay at the bottom of the pond. But, in the Spring they will return to normal activity. Good goldfish care includes making sure that your pond has a good filtration system. Adding plants will raise the oxygen levels and are also a good source of food for your fish.
Rudd, tench, orfe and koi are good fish to consider for your goldfish pond. Orfe fish will eat the excess goldfish eggs and will keep the pond from becoming overcrowded. Adding koi fish is good because when they breed, they will produce a sterile fish that also helps with the fish population. It is important to maintain the PH level in the pond. The water will need to be changed or additives used to return the PH level to the proper state if the water becomes too acidic. By Dane J Stanton

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